Mantel redondo para Jala confeccionado a mano en majestuoso color oro. La palabra Shabat escrita en el centro rodeada de un elegante diseño de hojas Los bordes de este mantel para Jala son ondulados creando un bello efecto de flor .
The meaning of the East is the location of the item - the direction of Jerusalem.
This is a very special product designed by Avi Luvaton for the Mitzvah of Netilat Yadayim.
This washing cup is named Judah and has one handle in a unique shape.
For more than 25 years Avi Luvaton has been able to capture centuries old Jewish traditions and present them in a modern, vibrant, and elegant style of Judaica art and design. His breakthrough style and talents are uncompromising and always evolving.
Avi’s craftsmanship, materials, and designs make his Judaica art unique and sought after. Avi uses the best technologies and collaborates with great art masters from around the world to create his spectacular Judaica pieces. He imports semiprecious stones quarried from around the world and travels to Murano, Italy to create some of the glass pieces for his magnificent Judaica art using the renowned Murano glass blowing studios.
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Los manteles para Jala diseñados por Avi Luvaton son creados en su estudio en Jerusalem. Con gran precision los diferentes colores y tejidos son confeccionados para crear los mas hermosos manteles de jala que aportaran estilo y encanto a su mesa de Shabat y Yom Tov.
e acuerdo a la Tradicion Judia, el pan se debe cubrir antes de recitar el Kidush en Shabbat y Yom Tov . Una importante costumbre al cubrir la Jala es hidur mitzvah. Hidur mitzvah significa realzar y embellecer la y estos manteles para Jala hacen precisamente eso.
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