"The Jerusalem" Plaque

The Jerusalem Wall Hanging plaque designed by Avi Luvaton is a contemporary artwork aimed at decorating the home beautifully while it reminds every homeowner of King David's wise words: Im eshkachech Yerushalayim, tishkach yemini ("If I forget you, Oh Jerusalem, may my right hand forget itself").

The custom of leaving a commemorative space in a Jewish home (an unfinished area on the wall) is a reminder of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash. Jewish sages felt that anything that brings joy should be accompanied by a ‘Zecher l’Churban’, a remembrance of the destruction, because without Yerushalayim and the Beit Hamikdash, there can not be complete joy.

im eshkacheh jerusalem

This piece is made from the highest quality materials. Created of two broken pieces of Jerusalem stone and gold plated brass, it presents the word Jerusalem written in golden Hebrew letters which gorgeously emerge from among the fragments of the stone as a symbol of salvation. 

Avi Luvaton commemorative art wall beautifully represents the coexistence between light and darkness, life and destruction. It is through its unique details that the eternal memory of Jerusalem can be part of a contemplative Jewish home.

Product Characteristics

Size: Small:  15.7*16.8*2.75'' inches 

         Large: 26.7*21.6*3.7'' inches 

Materials: gold plated brass and Jerusalem stone

Technique: Metal & Stone Work


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